Friday, December 25, 2009

Did you see the Saw V goalie masks?

did you like them?

if your fave team had the choice to do something like that would you want it?Did you see the Saw V goalie masks?
In the pic that I saw, the masks looked pretty cool. If my favorite team had the choice of doing it, I would be mixed about it I guess. I wouldn't want the team to be advertising movies on their masks. Just doesn't seem right. However, since the masks were auctioned off for charity afterwards it makes it better. But still, I wouldn't want them to do that.Did you see the Saw V goalie masks?
I like the idea of using different masks just for fun (that sounds way kinkier than it should...) but like Jay said, I don't like the advertising potential of it. In this particular case, it might be amusing, like, once.

I do like the fact the masks will be auctioned for charity.
That's pretty cool, it would be cool to see goalies changing their helmet designs on holidays!

Yes, if it was only for that one day!
No i don`t like it it`s selling out your team as merchandise.
it looks sweet hopefully 3 masks can help him stop the pucks better

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