Friday, December 25, 2009

In the movie Saw II, was the death mask trap inescapable?

I think so. I mean, the guy only had like a minute to cut open his eye to find a key. I just bought contacts for my very first time and have a hard time having to touch my eyeball to put them in. I can't imagine having to cut open my eyeball with a scalpel. I don't think any human would be able to do that. What are your thoughts?In the movie Saw II, was the death mask trap inescapable?
Yes all of Jigsaws traps are possible to get out of (Amanda's were not, if you were caught in one of her traps you were dead). I personally would not have been able to get out of that trap because i have a problem with things near my eye. But i think yes there are some people who couldIn the movie Saw II, was the death mask trap inescapable?
No, I believe what you are talking about is at the beginning. The key was embedded in the guys eye socket. He had to cut his eye and lose vision in that eye to get the key to escape. I agree that would be pretty tough to do; cut at your own eye to save your own life. WOW! I am with you on that one. Can't wait for SAW VI

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