Monday, December 21, 2009

Where can i find a jigsaw mask from the movie Saw?

hey i live in crete illinois 60417 anyone can find me a place to buy one around this zip code i really want to scare my friendsWhere can i find a jigsaw mask from the movie Saw?
hey if you got a local mall and if the got a Spencers gift store go inside and see if they there

and been there several times at my local mall and all i saw was

the Billy Doll Mask and the Pig Mask Where can i find a jigsaw mask from the movie Saw?;_ylt=Aos4FtTkTY_YxkzqT3PjLyAjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080727145948AAxO9U0 Report Abuse

I saw one in Kmart the other day, but I'm sure you have those Halloween Stores around you and they would have a better mask I'm sure.
Spencers Gifts
ive seen tons of them in halloween super stores - but im in alabama...

order one online....good luck :]

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